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The Alpine Republic, land of rivers and cathedrals, invites you to explore not only the well-known tourist meccas by bike, but also the unexplored corners and hidden gems of Austria.

A small country with magnificent landscapes - Austria is a cyclist’s dream! (Copyright: Auergraphics)

Baltic States

All good things come in threes!

Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania? Each of the three countries on the northern Baltic Sea has its own unique attractions. Together, however, the Baltic trio offers a truly rich variety of natural and cultural attractions!

On the Curonian Spit in Lithuania, the sky seems to be just as close as the sea (Copyright: Weyo)


Always in the black, yellow and red

As straightforward as its neighbour to the north, but as fun and cultured as its neighbour to the south. Belgium is not only extremely diverse, it is also always open to new things. Discover the cultural mix that makes a cycling holiday in the most European of countries so special!

Belgian altitude: imposing church towers draw the eye skywards (Copyright: rh2010)


The jury is still out on whether Istria or Dalmatia, the islands of the Kvarner Bay or the nature parks on the mainland are more beautiful. But one thing is for sure: you can enjoy the blazing southern sun wherever your bike takes you in Croatia.

Many of Croatia's most beautiful towns are built close to the azure sea (Copyright: Lalsstock)

Czech Republic

The golden city of Prague, the proverbial Bohemian villages, the numerous romantic castles and palaces - history has certainly left its mark on the Czech Republic, inspiring cyclists as much as the beautiful countryside.

Make sure you don't miss the Bohemian Forest for the trees! (Copyright: Vencav)


The North up close

Seagull cries, the roaring sea, sunshine, colourful villages, beautiful castles and proud manor houses - welcome to Denmark! Prepare for an unforgettable experience in the southernmost part of Denmark. There are thousands of islands here, and on the most beautiful of them you can experience the best of cycling at every turn.

Delightful views of the bright blue sea await you as you cycle along the beautiful coastal paths (Copyright: unbekannt)


The grand finale of the Baltic coast

Here in Estonia, nature runs the show. Foxes and hares abound in the national parks, while multicoloured birch trees are reflected in mystical black moor lakes. The towns also impress with their charming old wooden houses.

The old town of Tallinn is full of artistic treasures, not least the fabulous Church of St Nicholas (Copyright: rh2010)


Vive la France & vive le vélo!

Madame, Monsieur: Fancy a holiday that’s ex­tra­or­di­nai­re, superbe & mag­ni­fi­que? Bienvenue en France! Say 'Oui' and come with us to a country that’s bursting with charm! Our range of cycling holidays is as varied as France itself, offering delicacies to suit all tastes, needs and abilities.

With the 'vélo' (and perhaps a little 'vin'), any trip to France is sure to be a 'bon voyage' (Copyright: T. Ryo)


So much, so close

So GerMANY options! Germany is not only a four-time football world champion, it is also a beautiful country. And it's even more beautiful when you can explore it by bike, relaxed and free, without having to worry about hotel reservations, luggage transport, etc. PEDALO will take care of all that and more!

Instead of riding off into the distance, explore all that Germany has to offer (Copyright: rh2010)


Wonderful cycle paths as far as the eye can see – and the view extends quite far in this cycling paradise! The only interruptions to the vast flat landscape are impressive old towns and modern metropolises, which are also fun to explore by bike.

Impressive windmills and the scent of tulips on the air - this is cycling in the Netherlands! (Copyright: A. Vrzalski)


Our tempestuous Magyar rides are spicy and fiery. Luckily, there is plenty of cool water in the Hungarian lowlands: the Danube, Lake Neusiedl and Lake Platen, each with stunning cycle routes around them.

Hungary's capital city boasts a wealth of historic buildings (Copyright: rh2010)


O sole, mare & amore mio

All roads eventually lead to Italy - grazie al cielo, or thank heavens for that! Each itinerary in Italy has its own special flair and allows you to experience all the different types of topography first hand. Add to this the cuisine, which is seduction at its finest, and booking a PEDALO cycling holiday in Italy becomes irresistible.

Che bella bicicletta! This bike is clearly looking forward to its Giro d'Italia (Copyright: Bicci Marco)


Culture or nature, that is the question - but not on a cycle tour in Latvia, where one goes hand in hand with the other. The vibrant capital Riga is the urban heart of the entire Baltic region, while the Gauja National Park with its untamed rivers showcases nature at its best.

Where the plants bloom and flourish so impressively, cyclists will surely also find a favourable climate (Copyright: E. Yevgrashkina)


Lithuania - where was that again? Ah yes - right where the Baltic coast turns north! It is the gateway to the Baltic countries and, thanks to its location between East and West, still boasts a unique mixture of Hanseatic culture and pagan myths.

By the Baltic Sea, some roads seem paved with gold - and the sun isn’t the only thing that shines! (Copyright: M. Ursi)


Fancy a little 'de luxe' atmosphere on your cycle tour? Then a detour to the Grand Duchy is in order! It’s small but mighty, and packed full of beautiful scenery.

Luxembourg's narrow roads make it easy to find a little happiness along the way (Copyright: rh2010)


From the Baltic coast to the lakes of Masuren, Poland has it all! Deep green forests, glistening water, windswept paths… And as varied as the landscape is, so too is the history you will encounter at every turn.

Gdansk: just one of many Polish cities that will amaze you with their flair (Copyright: rh2010)


You can't get more south-west than this! At least not in Europe. Cyclists who love to ride (ahem: pedal) towards the sunset will find their dream destination in the wild, rugged landscapes of Portugal.

The coastline and its inhabitants will tempt you to linger (Copyright: A. Konstantinov)


Serbia is the land of the Danube - and that almost automatically makes it a cycling destination. As you follow the river to the Iron Gate, you will pass through many pretty Serbian villages and market towns - as well as the capital Belgrade, which is known as the 'Gateway to the Orient'.

In the cultural melting pot that is Serbia, the cuisine is also extremely varied - so dig in! (Copyright: A. Mazurkevich)


Slovakia is generally known for its hilly landscape, especially the Tatra Mountains with their high peaks. By bike, however, you are more likely to be on the flatter side of the Danube valley. The crowning glory of these tours is usually Bratislava.

If you cycle along the ‘blue river’ Danube, you will also get to cycle through deep green countryside (Copyright: Kilhan)


What does Slovenia have that other cycling destinations don't? High mountain ranges, beautiful valleys, scenic coastal roads and traditional towns can also be found elsewhere, after all… But it's rare to have such a short trip from one scenic highlight to the next!

Blooming meadows, blue skies and picture-perfect mountain views (Copyright: Slovenia, T. Jesenicnik)


Sunny, spirited, and always ready for fun - Spain is a perfect cycling destination! The Iberian Peninsula also has wonderful 'costas' and 'sierras' that will delight any cyclist with a passion for the south. And don’t forget about its beautiful islands!

Let yourself be seduced by a cycling holiday 'en espanol' (Copyright: J. Pizarro)


Forget all the cliches - the heart of Scandinavia is simply beautiful and one of the coolest and friendliest countries under the cycling sun.

"Åh, så trevligt!" means “Oh, how beautiful!"! Remember this phrase, you will need it often. (Copyright: M. Bergsma)


Milk, dark, even extra-dark? Switzerland doesn’t just do chocolate - it also has a lot to offer cycling connoisseurs! If punishing mountain passes are not your thing, why not simply enjoy the view of lofty snow-capped mountains from one of the flat river or lakeside cycle paths?

Lakeside promenades here are colourful - and not just thanks to the beautiful flower decorations (Copyright: JFL Photography)

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